For the first time ever, I opened a coconut all on my own today(previously I'd been making my dad do it for me). I like being able to do things for myself, but I have this huge fear of large knives jumping at me of their own accord. This morning though I decided I wanted that coconut, so I grabbed it, whacked it with the cleaver multiple times, and managed to pry the thing open all on my own. I'm very pleased with myself at the moment. I had some pineapple and grapes lurking in my fridge, so I cut the coconut into thin noodles and tossed them with the pineapple, grapes, and some strawberry/blueberry sauce. Then dusted it with some more coconut(dried), and mulberries. Then I served it in the coconut shell, since I can't figure out what else to do with those things anyways. Drunk with a tall glass of fresh coconut water, it was a perfect Valentine's day breakfast.
Young coconuts are a great source of good saturated fats, and are health promoting and immune boosting. They've been shown to lower cholesterol and raise HDL. In many cuisines coconuts have been used as a nourishing and strengthening food, containing calcium, manganese, selenium, zinc and iron. Coconut water has the same pH level as human blood. Even with it's high fat content coconut oil has been shown to promote weight loss and decrease fat stores, as well as increase the body's metabolic weight. So the fat content helps keep you full, while being super good for you. As well as tasty.
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