Sunday, May 13, 2012

Shoes shoes shoes

Yesterday I met up with my friend Billie for lunch and some shopping, and I finally picked up some Nikes I've been eyeing up for a little while. Not gonna lie, partly just for the colour. Up until a month ago I was rocking the same Nikes I've had for 6 years, and for some reason they just wouldn't wear out(not a bad thing, really). Although the insides were a little softer than when I first started. While I was in Vancouver I picked up a new pair (New Balances, if you care to know). They weren't the comfiest, and I thought maybe they'd break in a little with a bit of wear. Sadly, I was wrong. The shoelaces were also the most useless pair I've ever encountered, they untied themselves every couple minutes. Even with triple knots.

Anyways, I got these babies home and I was super excited to take them for a spin so I ran down to the gym and hopped onto the elliptical on random. They literally had to kick me out of the gym(my habit of loving to work out at night just won't die). These shoes are perfect, like prancing on clouds but you also feel barefoot. And they're so bouncy. I'm in love.  Normally I'm more of a 5 inch platform kind of girl, so these are a bit of a departure from the norm. The colour makes me smile when I look at them though. Which happens a lot, I'm surprised I haven't run into something yet.

Something I've been learning lately is that you need to listen to your body. This is a new thing for me, I feel like I've spent so much of my life just making it do things it's not interested in(hours of cardio, for instance). In general I hate doing things I find boring(don't we all?), and my body seems to tolerate things it hates in the same way. Since completely changing my approach to fitness and working out, I now get so stoked to work out. Hence the double time at the gym yesterday. It kind of scares me sometimes. It reminds me of when I was suffering from an ED and forced myself to attack the exercise bike for hours despite the fact I was exhausted, and hating myself when I didn't. I hated that point in my life. This feels different though. I'm doing it cause I'm genuinely enjoying it. I'm learning more and more that your body is your house you have to live in, you need to work at making it last by taking care of it. It's such a revelation but so simple. But most important things in life are, I think. It usually just takes some living to figure it out.

This morning I tried to make it to the free yoga class at Lululemon, but unfortunately they had switched it over to Trinity Bellwoods park, so there was no way I was going to make it. Next week hopefully! Instead I went to Winners and finally bought a yoga mat to have here(I left my other one in Vancouver). There was also some kind of race going on in downtown Toronto, and it made me unreasonably gleeful to see all these other people working out. Like we were part of a secret society of people who like running around or something. All while I was bouncing around in my new shoes like a baby lamb, grinning from ear to ear, and clutching my new yoga mat. People must have thought I was nuts.

Sunday's my rest day, so I took it easy today and did a bit of gentle yoga to stretch out. Walked to get some groceries, prepped some food for the week, and caught up on Girls. I'm addicted to this show. Although the more I watch, the more it makes me miss NYC!

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